Sunday, October 10, 2010


Amy makes a mad dash for the window and climbs through it.

Lizzie: Are you crazy???
Amy: We have to.

Amy lifts herself over and lets go. She lands awkwardly on her ankle, but other than that, she is okay. She looks up at Lizzie, who is peering down terrified.

Amy: Come on!
Lizzie: Here!

Lizzie tosses down the phone, and Amy carefully catches it. She then hears a scream from above as Lizzie disappears from view.

Amy: Lizzie!

Lizzie’s body gets thrown halfway out the window and blood splashes onto Amy’s upturned face.

Amy: (into phone) Please hurry!
911: Units are on the way, miss. What is—

Amy sees the KILLER’s head pop out of the window and she sees red.

Amy: You fucker!

The KILLER disappears from view and Amy throws open the back door and runs inside.