Sunday, October 10, 2010


Amy barrels downstairs to where the Nick, Marco, Lizzie & Diana are just starting to get into their game. They look up at the sound of her screams.

Nick: What the hell?
Amy: Jenn's dead!
Marco: What?
Amy: There's somebody upstairs! He killed her!
Nick: Calm down, what happened?
Amy: Call the police!
Nick: My phone's upstairs.

Lizzie pulls out her phone.

Lizzie: Shit, my phone has no signal down here.
Amy: We have to get out of here now!
Diana: Hold on, if there is someone upstairs, aren't we safer down here?
Marco: I'm not fucking hiding down here. For all I know, this is one of Lenny's bits. Hey Nick, how are your swirly skills?
Nick: A little rusty, but I'm sure it's like riding a bike.
Amy: What the fuck is wrong with you? Jenn's dead, and you're joking around!
Marco: Relax!

Nick grabs a metal bar that was lying against the wall and Marco goes into the furnace room. He soon comes back with a claw hammer. The five of them go upstairs and look into the living room, but Jenn has disappeared from the couch.

Amy: She was right there!
Marco: (to Diana) I told you this was bullshit.
Amy: Fuck you!
Lizzie: I don't like this, let's get the fuck out of here, Nick.

Amy goes to the couch.

Amy: (pointing) Look at the blood!

Nick and Marco move closer and see that the couch is stained red.

Marco: So. All that tells me is Rich is gonna be plenty pissed that Lenny ruined his couch.
Amy: Are you fucking kidding me?!

Amy steps into Marco and Diana gets between them.

Diana: Guys, come on! Let's just go.